Sisters In Sobriety Episode 1: Drinking works, until it doesn’t: making the decision to quit.

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment with 'Sisters in Sobriety'. We warmly invite you to the first episode of our podcast. Dive into the heart of what it means to quit drinking, learn about the challenges and insights of sobriety, and hear the personal stories that defined our paths to recovery.

August 2, 2023
Recovery Talks

Hi everyone! I'm Sonia, and I'm absolutely thrilled to welcome you to the very first episode of our podcast, "Sisters in Sobriety". This is not just a podcast; it's a personal journey for me, Kathleen, and hopefully for all of you joining us. Our mission at EverBlume is to support women in changing their relationship with alcohol, and this podcast is a big part of that.

Taking the Leap: My Thoughts on Quitting Drinking

Deciding to quit drinking is no small feat. It's a huge, life-changing step, but it's also the beginning of something beautiful – a journey towards empowerment and health. In our first episode, Kathleen and I dive deep into what it means to take this step. We talk about the importance of recognizing when it's time to let go and how empowering it can be to start building a life free from alcohol.

Answering the Tough Questions

We've all had those nagging questions: Is my drinking problematic? What does quitting really mean – is it a one-time decision or an ongoing process? I've been there, and so has Kathleen. We're here to share our experiences and insights, tackling these questions head-on. And yes, we're even going to talk about the tricky topic of interventions.

A Stroll Down Memory Lane

In this episode, Kathleen and I open up about our personal stories. We'll take you back to our early years, our university days at the University of Toronto, our career paths, and a life-changing yoga retreat in Mexico. These stories shaped us and our understanding of alcohol and sobriety, and we can't wait to share them with you.

Learning About Grey Area Drinking and Habit-Stacking

We're also delving into some interesting concepts like 'grey area drinking' and 'habit-stacking'. These ideas have been game-changers for me, and I believe they can be for you too. Understanding these concepts can help you create a healthier environment and approach sobriety in a way that feels right for you.

Let's Get Real: The Journey of Addiction and Recovery

"Sisters in Sobriety" is all about having honest, open conversations about addiction, recovery, and everything that comes with it. It's not always easy, but it's real, and it's important. I'm here to share my story, listen to yours, and build a community where we all support each other.

Join Us on This Amazing Journey

As I always say, do "whatever it takes" to get to a healthier, happier you. This podcast is more than just stories and advice; it's a community, a support system, and a place where you can be your true self. Whether you're just starting to think about sobriety or you're well on your way, there's a place for you here with us.

So come on, join me and Kathleen on "Sisters in Sobriety". Follow, join the conversation, and be a part of a community that's all about supporting each other. Let's embark on this journey of change together, one episode at a time!

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