Our Story

Is Your Story
The Mission We’re On…
Bring Community & Deep Connection
into Alcohol Recovery Support and Sobriety Meetings Online

You don’t belong in AA meetings with a bunch of strangers that have nothing in common with you or one another.You don’t belong in huge sobriety meetings online that are impersonal and chaotic. You belong with EverBlume.
• Small Groups (max. 16 people)
• Group Members Matched by Similar Challenges and Experiences
• A Place to Connect, Share and Support Each OtherYou'll have a group of friends rooting for you and supporting you through your journey.

Keep in Touch Whenever You Feel Like It

Our groups exist outside of the scheduled meetings, because life doesn’t subscribe to schedules.

As an EverBlume member, you’ll be able to chat and share inside a dedicated group chat, right from your mobile. 24/7

We have three different membership options.

Empowering Your Inner Development

If you feel that it's impossible. If you've tried everything and failed. If you have no idea how to get there or where you’re going…

One step at a time, our mentorship and community will guide you back home where you feel powerful, safe and in control. Where alcohol doesn’t hold you hostage and your life doesn’t revolve around it.

Want to see if we're a fit?

Hop on to a quick 5-10 minute call with us!

Let's Chat
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